Epistemologie e pratiche formative per governare il cambiamento nella società complessa
Le ricerche, le riflessioni, le pratiche formative degli ultimi decenni hanno contribuito a ridefinire radicalmente la teoria-prassi dell’orientamento per l’intero corso della vita, nella molteplicità dei suoi luoghi e delle sue esperienze. In tal senso, parlare oggi di orientamento, nella società del cambiamento permanente, comporta la necessità di sottolinearne la natura complessa e sistemica, sia sul piano della legittimazione teorica, sia su quello della prassi concreta. Ciò al fine di meglio caratterizzarne l’identità, i compiti, le funzioni e i metodi. All’orientamento è affidato il compito di “sostenere” le persone nelle continue transizioni che si trovano a fronteggiare, trasformandole da situazioni di rischio a occasioni di crescita ed emancipazione personale, professionale, sociale.
Table of contents – Year II – Number 1
– Being able to orientation in the society of “wandering” and permanent transformability
by Isabella Loiodice
– School is not enough
by Franco Frabboni
– Socio-pedagogical dimensions of output guidance with particular reference to the issue of dialogue between University and Enterprise
by Giuditta Alessandrini
– Formation and people’s welfare. Towards a new social contract
by Umberto Margiotta
– Guidance as education to transition. Avoiding to be “crushed” by the change
by Isabella Loiodice
– The development of creativity: an essential educational goal in today’s society
by Ainhoa Gomez Pintado
– Knowing Tomorrow. Orientation through the arts
by Maria D’Ambrosio
– Education aimed to guide the subject in the complex world
by Marina De Nicolò
– Promotion of strategic skills for self-orientation in high school: a proposal of online tools for self-assessment
by Massimo Margottini & Paola Pavoni
– Guidance to the test of contemporaneity
by Federico Batini
– Guidance and Training
by Raffaella Biagioli
– Change of university studies: reorientation as a second chance
by Giuseppe Carci
– Training to wisdom and new skills: the orienting function of the teacher
by Daniela Dato
– For an adult and sustainable Self: project-biographical methodologies
by Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
– Getting lost in the stories. Between orientation and disorientation
by Ilaria Filograsso
– Orienting female children to Science. The role of Educational institutions
by Anna Grazia Lopez
– Don Quixote and “that kickback for the kneecap”. A case of art as a “meta-orientation” to research and action
by Antonia Chiara Scardicchio
– The over 45 top professionals’ crisis. Profiles of Guidance: the contribution of expertises balance
by Paolo Serreri
– “Reasoned” autobiography, recognitions, orientation
by Alessio Surian
Ex ordium
– The School: evaluation process as a tool to re-orient the practices and training routes
by Laura Bellomo
– Educational disorientation and pedagogical advice. Some coordinates for intervention
by Rossana Brambilla
– Orienting and self-orienting by ‘fairy-taling’ in hospital
by Rossella Caso
– Guidance for romá
by Gianluca Di Giovine
– The need for valuing and orienting educational practices of teachers
by Rossella D’Ugo
– Orientation in view of permanent education
by Stefania Fiorentino
– ‘Reasoned’ autobiography: a tool for guidance and facilitation of adults in lifelong learning
by Davide Lago
– Guidance and Family Consultories
by Erica Mancini
– Guidance: a pedagogical challenge of contemporary world
by Laura Selmo
– Intercultural guidance and training for general practitioner
by Pasquale Renna
– The ‘flowing’ guidance. Epistemological and methodological reflections about the installation of devices in aesthetic guidance
by Alessia Vitale
– From Law n° 509 to New Statutes. Ten years of orientation within the Reform of University
by Luigi Traetta
– Origin Of The Treatment And Training Of Idiots
by É. Séguin
Good practices
– We are looking for talents. A guidance experience to higher education in secondary high school in Naples and its province
by Maura Striano & Stefano Oliverio
– Questions as a unit of the dialogue in the process of the didactic communication
by Ewa Kochanowska
– Good practices for school-university guidance. The project called “orienting by cultural hubs” organized by the secondary school “Liceo Classico O. Flacco” in Bari
by Loredana Perla & Antonio D’Itollo
– University guidance and e-learning: E-start project by Faculty of Agrarian Studies and Faculty of Educational Sciences of University of Studies of Foggia (Italy)
by Annamaria De Santis
– The Peer Tutoring college guidance. Strengths and weaknesses
by Concetta La Rocca
– The right fit
by Maurizio Salvarani & Luca Malagoli
– University orientation: Practices promoted by Faculty of Education – University of Genoa
by Antonella Lotti, Alessandra Modugno, Fabrizio Bracco, Andreina Bruno